Sunday, 21 August 2016

Substance abuse among students (drug abuse)

Psycho active substances have been used through history to alter mood, thinking, perception, improve performance, relief pain or fear, anxiety or boredom, in celebration e.t.c. Alcohol, the most commonly used substance can be used responsibly and enjoyable. Substance use becomes a problem when; it interferes with the performance of a person at school, home or social gathering, it causes legal problem, put anyone in danger when one continue despite its negative consequences. Substance abuse is the most important health problem in the twenty-one century.
Substance or drug is used to treat an illness, relief a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose.
Abuse is improper usage, application to a wrong or bad purpose.
Substance or drug abuse is the misuse or over indulgences in drugs despite adverse outcome.
            Some of the main reasons students abuse drugs are because of certain factors which are: inn effective parenting- this is the inability or incompetent of parents to raise and educate their children in the right manner, due to this, children tents to misbehave and can lead to the subject matter. Poor school performance- student’s poor in academic can easily be affected or drawn to this situation of drug abuse due to the depression they have on the impression that they are weak and cannot be of any use to the society. Pressure from peer group. Sometime students’ abuse drugs because of the kind of deviant friends they have, friends influence an individual to start this kind of bad habit and when he refuses they call him different kind of abusive names, because of the pressure they mount on him, he joins them to feel among.
Some other reasons or factors are; curiosity, adolescences rebelliousness, availability and accessibility and some of the commonly abuse drugs are; caffeine, inhalants, cannabis, cocaine, hydrocarbons e.g (sewage, petroleum products).
            Effects of substance abuse on students could be; lack of interest in academics, poor relationship with fellow students, crime, always in debt, irritability and aggression, depression, anxiety, financial mismanagement, delinquent behavior, insomnia.
            Signs of drug abuse; family and friends may be among the first to recognize the signs of drug abuse. Early recognition increases chance for successful treatment. Signs to watch out for include: declining grades, disappearing of money or valuables, joining dangerous groups, suspension from school, forgetfulness, getting into trouble with the school laws.
Treatment for a drug abuser
·       Abstinence from substance use.
·       Detoxification.
·       Make plans for relapse prevention.
·       Introduce patient to drug anonymous associations.

This is self-help group. It consist of people who experienced same problems but have giving-up the habit. They share their experience, strength, weakness and often support the victims.

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